Testimonial 3
I just wanted to tell you that I LOVED it. It is just what my body needs.
I loved the background and explanation of yin that you gave, and I think that explaining and reminding your students of what the purpose of the practice is is something you can do every class, even if it is always the same people. Your cues were fantastic, and your guiding us into the posture and to get a little deeper -to the next edge - were so calming and supportive.
The music was fun - I was giggling inside because sometimes the music made me wish I was in a dark, candle-lit jazz club sipping on a cocktail while other times I wanted to just fall asleep to it, and my mind was going back and forth between those scenarios.
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Testimonial 1
I just completed Yoga Nisha Soul Flow! I loved it!
I loved the sustained stretching at the beginning, especially since I ran yesterday. I also felt my heart rate and aerobic heating of my system that I love when I run. And the music was awesome. Overall, it was a fabulous combination of poses and movement that suited me completely. Not surprised at the positive feedback!!! I felt completely satisfied and can't actually describe further the feel good feeling it has left me with!
As always thank you for you and your amazing practice!
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Testimonial 7
You are doing a wonderful job! I’m so glad to be part of this community. Looking forward to continued growth.
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Testimonial 6
I love your vision!!! I feel like I have found my tribe! I have lifelong friends and now. I have new friends that lift me up in the way I need!
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Testimonial 5
Thank you for teaching last night. I am really starting to love yoga so much. I wake up feeling so much better.
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Testimonial 4
You are doing a wonderful job! I’m so glad to be part of this community. Looking forward to continued growth.
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Testimonial 2
Just wanted to say thank you Denisha for tonight’s class. It was so needed! I’m looking forward to getting to attend the Wednesday classes regularly. I am grateful for you providing the space and time and energy for this.
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